Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Modern Man

In this 1970 interview with Joan Bakewell, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the problem with modern man. While much has changed in the 50 years since this interview, much of what he says is still incredibly relevant. Lloyd-Jones’s emphasis on the sinfulness of man allows him to speak into the anxieties and failures of modern man against the conceptions of the day that man was essentially good and in need of therapy, rather than essentially sinful and in need of redemption.

Lloyd-Jones says it best, “The business of Christianity, ultimately, is not simply to make us feel happier or even to make us live a happier life: It is to reconcile us to God” (6:10).

As an aside, it is somewhat funny to hear Lloyd-Jones say that people may think, “I have a refrigerator, I don’t need your Christ!” Times, and technology, sure have changed. But his gospel has not.

One Comment

  1. […] In this 1970 interview with Joan Bakewell, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the problem with modern man. While much has changed in the 50 years since this interview, much of what he says is still incredibly relevant. Lloyd-Jones’s emphasis on the sinfulness of man allows him to speak into the anxieties and failures of modern… — Read on […]



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